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“Go, tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere… That Jesus Christ is born.” These are the lyrics to a song I sang in the church choir as a child during Christmas.

I know, I know, it’s not Christmas. However, these beautiful lyrics should not be reserved only for the holidays. Believers are called to go into the world and tell it. In other words, make disciples of all nations at all times.

Statistically speaking, there is only a small percentage who willingly step off the pews, if you will, and into the arena of soul-winning. Yeshua speaks wisely of this when he says;

“The harvest is ripe, but the laborers are few. Pray to the Lord of the harvest, that He will send laborers into the vineyard.” —Luke 10:2

I’ve wondered about this passage, asking, “What is the Savior communicating to us? Moreover, why should there a command to pray concerning this issue?” Here’s the way I see it: Let’s say an individual happens to find the most exceptional person in the world and falls in love with them. They no doubt want the world to know all about their new love—what they do for them, the feeling they get when in their presence, and most importantly, the fact that they were rescued from a vicious enemy. So I ask, what is the first thing you would do? Tell someone, of course! How much more for someone who saved us from the fire of hell!

Beloved, when we were lost, Christ is that very one who sought our weary souls until He found us. At that time, He saved us from the hands of the wicked one. By this alone are obligated to bring in the harvest. But how, then, is it that many sit idly by thinking that someone else will labor? Oh, there is a great need for Kingdom workers right this minute! If we love Christ, we should be so eager to answer the call. I challenge you: Let our Lord’s words sink into your spirit and stir up a fire within and go tell it!

Scripture Memorization: Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers his harves​t - Matthew 9:38 (KJV)


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